Hospital Education Service

The Hospital Education Service (HES) provide education to children and young people during their stay at RHC. HES staff are all fully qualified teachers.
Who are we for?
We teach inpatients who are currently enrolled in full time education (P1-S6) and who are expected to be in hospital for ten or more school days during a school term.
How is the teaching structured?
We teach a curriculum adapted to each pupil’s individual needs, with a focus on Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing in line with a Curriculum for Excellence.
We use a variety of teaching approaches and a wide range of resources including ICT to motivate and stimulate pupils. By liaising with the pupil’s base school we endeavour to ensure continuity of learning.
Pupils are offered a daily teaching session and are usually taught individually at their bedside on the ward.
We also have classrooms available in Ward 4 and Clinic 12 for group sessions.
Parents and carers are welcome to see teaching in progress and discuss pupil progress.
If you require any more information or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us:
Office: Room 10, Clinic 12, Ground Floor, RHC
Telephone: 0141 452 4175