Neonatal Unit

The neonatal department at the Royal Hospital for Children provides inpatient and outpatient care for babies across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde in conjunction with our sister units at the Princess Royal Maternity and the Royal Alexandra Hospital. We provide all forms of neonatal care across the neonatal unit as well as providing regular weekly outpatient clinics for babies with a variety of conditions in the neonatal period.
Our neonatal unit sits within the maternity building on the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus. The unit has a dedicated link corridor to the Royal Hospital for Children site and sits alongside the Paediatric Intensive Care unit and Ward 1E (Cardiology Ward).
We operate our daily clinics within the outpatient department on the Ground Floor at the Royal Hospital for Children (normally clinic 1) and occasionally babies with issues requiring same day review will be seen in our outpatient room on level 2 of the neonatal unit.
More information on the neonatal services across NHS GGC can be found here.